Malaysians Brace for GE14

Malaysians are anticipating the PM’s announcement to hold the next General Election. This Parliamentary sitting will be the last which just opened yesterday by our Agung. Perhaps PM Najib will announce his decision on GE14 at the end of this sitting by or before 5th April so all the BN’s needed business he has planned will have concluded, including the redelineation changes of constituencies.

Some say this will be a walk in the park for the ruling party, Barisan National (BN), because Najib is very confident to win and expected to win big this time, maybe even more than two thirds majority. They say the 3-corner fights involving PAS will mess up the Opposition. They say the redelineation will mess up the Opposition. They say the Opposition is messing themselves up without BN. It’s a hands down win to Najib. Not forgetting all the machinery and incentives that may be at their disposal. All odds are stacked up for a BN and hence, Najib will win and win big. What more? BR1M is coming out by next week.

The Opposition, for obvious reasons, will say just the opposite. They say the 3-corner fights will benefit them and PAS will be the biggest loser. They say PAS members actually hate the decision Hadi Awang made to cooperate with Umno and will be angered enough to spoil their votes or vote the opposition just to spite their leaders. They say the redelineation will have minimal impact on the Opposition because regardless how they cut the lines again, there will always be mixed constituencies of all communities. They say the appearance of disarray is over and everything is fixed or almost fixed. They say they have fixed the most important thing which is the allocation of seats. They say Najib will not win hands down, in fact, he won’t win at all. That PPBM knows all the tricks in the book and BN will not be able to pull the rabbit out of their hat this time. The INVOKE organization is gearing up to have PACABA at what they identified as “marginal seats”.

Any which way the speculations go, Malaysians must go vote and do their duty.


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