Archive for March 2nd, 2012

March 2, 2012

Concerns Wrongly Placed By Nazri

Our defacto law minister, Nazri Aziz, said “the security of Israel is not important to us. We are concerned about the security of Palestinians” (read here.)

It behooves us Malaysians to wonder why Nazri is more concerned about the security of Palestinians when the security of Malaysians are severely lacking?

What Malaysian security, you may ask?

Allow me to list some food for thought.

  1. snatch thefts
  2. home break-ins
  3. robberies
  4. illegal immigrants
  5. car jacking
  6. identity cards for aliens
  7. drugs
  8. rare earth

Do you feel safe in Malaysia? Honestly speaking, not sounding politically correct. We are not only high on the corruption index, our crime rate is on the rise contrary to what the authorities want us to believe otherwise. We can make statistics say anything we want if we torture it long enough. We know crime is fast getting out of control and worse in some parts of the country.

Our Government spends countless days trying to explain away our position on Israel and the Palestinians but spend little time paying attention to our security. Why do you think there are so many Guarded and Gated efforts all over the country?

We wonder if our Government have our best interest at heart when they spend untold billions of ringgit under the excuse of national security when they leave us Malaysians in the cold to fend for ourselves?

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